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Request a Quote

For Custom Cookies

Filling out this request form is not placing an order. 
This form will notify me of your interest in placing an order and will
help me confirm my availability. 

Please give as much detail as possible

Preferred pick up time
Upload inspiration pics
Upload Inspiration pics

TERMS:                 ********* PLEASE READ **********

  • I understand that all orders are pick up only in West Arvada. I have searched for Arvada West HIgh School on the map, or already know where you are located, and agree that I can drive that far for pick up. Actual address will be given after order is paid.

  • I understand that this form is not placing an order, but just beginning the conversation and confirming that you have availability to accept my order or not.  

  • I understand that The Cookie Darling has multiple artists and whichever one has availability and the skill set for my design, will be chosen by The Cookie Darling.

  • I understand that this means The Cookie Darling herself may or may not be the artist doing my order and I am agreeable to that.

  • I understand that every artist has a different style and any inspiration pictures that are sent that are not The Cookie Darling's pictures, and even if they are hers, they will vary slightly in color and style, but will retain the overall feeling of your chosen theme and designs.

  • I understand that a completed sample of my design(s) cannot be provided and trust that the artist will be able to complete my design(s) based on our conversations of them.

  • I understand that my spot on your calendar is not secured and my order is not placed until payment is made.

  • I understand that a minimum of 2 weeks prior to my pick up date is required to place my order without a rush fee.  

  • I understand that if I request an order less than 2 weeks prior, I will owe an additional rush fee.

  • I understand that custom orders less than a week from my pick up date cannot be accepted.

  • I understand that having a conversation with you is not considered placing an order and that orders are not confirmed and placed on your calendar until payment is received. 

  • Further, I understand that if we have had a conversation and you have notified me that you have my pick up date available, and then I ghost you until two weeks or less before my pick up date, you may not be able to take my order. 


Thanks for submitting! I'll be in touch with you within 24 hours. 

Communication after this will come through the email you submitted. Please ensure it is accurate and check your junk/spam folder.

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